행복한 커피 CATCH MIND 2019. 5. 2. 18:32
Hello, this is Catch Mind as always whom want to play with the coffee. And today, I am going to discuss about the coffee brewing, under extraction and over extraction and how to design the extraction scheme of the coffee How does the coffee being extracted. Inside coffee, there are tons of substances that cannot even be pronounced, and 30% of them are potentially soluble. Just like the below dra..
행복한 커피 CATCH MIND 2019. 3. 22. 12:21
Hello everyone, this is Catch Mind, who always want to “play” with coffee. Today I am going to talk about the ideal extraction of coffee. In the previous posting, I discussed about the over extracted and under extracted coffee but, today we are going to talk about how to extract the perfect coffee. As usual, please read it casually. Let’s first touch on the a few facts about the under and over e..